Managing Anxiety

5 Senses Grounding Technique Using Edible Essential Oils

This is a difficult world and problems with anxiety are not uncommon. An incredibly helpful exercise to use with clients when they’re feeling anxious, or when I’ve had a challenging session with someone and need to calm myself down, is called “Grounding.” Although being a therapist can be a joyful experience where one gets to see other people grow and share their successes, it can also be emotionally disturbing. “Grounding” helps to bring us into…

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Healthy Habits

Sleep Tricks & Techniques from a Bipolar Babe that has Battled Insomnia & Won

I have bipolar one disorder. This is a fact that informs much of my day-to-day living. I need to take my medication, stay on top of my therapy appointments, go for bloodwork, strive for a balanced lifestyle and, above all else, maintain a solid, restful, regular sleep routine. When I don’t sleep, whether due to anxious thoughts, or having had too much alcohol earlier in the evening, or from just being keyed up due to…

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