Healthy Habits


I first became strongly attracted to practicing Self-Care and exploring the concept with clients when working with survivors of Domestic Violence (DV) during my internship. I define Self-Care as a form of putting oneself first. I don’t believe this is a bad thing. Selfishness, when tempered with a self-awareness of keeping it in balance with one’s other responsibilities, is not a bad thing. The (mostly female) survivors of DV I met had been through such…

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Family & Relationships

The Beauty of Group Therapy

It’s been a little while since I’ve written in this blog. Dear Readers, I haven’t forgotten you nor have I forgotten how much I enjoy this new hobby! I’ve been busy. When I say busy, I mean bought my first house, got my private practice up and running and have continued my work at the Outpatient Clinic. I thought that it would be easiest to get back into the writing groove again by writing about…

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Expressive Arts

Writing Letters to Heal Pain & Process Complex Feelings

My first talk therapist wasn’t highly skilled. It wasn’t her fault. She was a student intern at the SUNY Geneseo health center. She probably had been trying her best to gain experience in order to become a licensed mental health counselor. It was 2002 and I was entering into my Junior year of college. I had just survived my first psychotic bipolar one episode. Think resources today aren’t very good for people with mental health…

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Healthy Habits

Sleep Tricks & Techniques from a Bipolar Babe that has Battled Insomnia & Won

I have bipolar one disorder. This is a fact that informs much of my day-to-day living. I need to take my medication, stay on top of my therapy appointments, go for bloodwork, strive for a balanced lifestyle and, above all else, maintain a solid, restful, regular sleep routine. When I don’t sleep, whether due to anxious thoughts, or having had too much alcohol earlier in the evening, or from just being keyed up due to…

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Mental Health & Holidays

STOP Making Comparisons When it Comes to Christmas!

The holiday season is here, Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and New Year’s specifically. This is a time of year that can be very difficult on one’s mental health. Every November into December, I notice that I have an uptick in clients coming to see me for depression, grief that loved ones have passed away, feelings of being overwhelmed and complaints that they themselves are not “good enough.” They’re in pain because they believe what they do…

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Life Transition

Considering the Benefits of Talk Therapy as You Enter a New Chapter in Your Life

Starting to see a licensed therapist, through video counseling or in-person, as you face a new change in your life can be one of the best decisions you can make. Our society is starting to understand that mental health is similar to physical health. Both must be attended to for preventative and best-health outcomes. Therapy can help a client decrease the chance that they will struggle with depression, nip anxiety in the bud and build…

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