Private Practice

On Being an Eclectic Therapist Treating Trauma

               I use the term “eclectic therapist” when describing my counseling style. This means that I use a variety of counseling methods in order to build rapport, assess for issues and to help clients discover their own answers to their problems. I’m asked to describe which techniques and approaches I use on various marketing directories and when I speak with potential clients. I have mixed feelings about this line of questioning.                On one hand,…

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Healthy Thought Processes

Gratitude: The Mood-Booster, The Anxiety-Buster!

Embracing gratitude and actively practicing it can help you regulate your parasympathetic nervous system. This is the part of the brain that can stop you from going into a panicky fight or flight mode if it senses danger. Sometimes just our thoughts alone about a situation are enough to trigger this system. The way we conceive of our state of affairs can tell our nervous system to go into over-drive. We end up with a…

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Life Transition

Considering the Benefits of Talk Therapy as You Enter a New Chapter in Your Life

Starting to see a licensed therapist, through video counseling or in-person, as you face a new change in your life can be one of the best decisions you can make. Our society is starting to understand that mental health is similar to physical health. Both must be attended to for preventative and best-health outcomes. Therapy can help a client decrease the chance that they will struggle with depression, nip anxiety in the bud and build…

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