Managing Anxiety

5 Senses Grounding Technique Using Edible Essential Oils

Once I figure out how to add advertising, I will include links to purchase edible essential oils. A girl’s gotta make money, doesn’t she?

This is a difficult world and problems with anxiety are not uncommon. An incredibly helpful exercise to use with clients when they’re feeling anxious, or when I’ve had a challenging session with someone and need to calm myself down, is called “Grounding.” Although being a therapist can be a joyful experience where one gets to see other people grow and share their successes, it can also be emotionally disturbing. “Grounding” helps to bring us into the exact present moment. Instead of not being able to stop thinking about the traumatic narrative my client shared during the last session, the practice of “Grounding” helps me to allow their story to remain theirs. The practice lets me acknowledge that I am recognizing where I am in my day and that I will soon move onto the next person/task/my own life.

               A “Seeking Safety” Grounding technique that I am particularly drawn to is the “5 Senses Grounding Exercise.” It’s helpful for those who have survived trauma and those of us who might be vulnerable to secondary/vicarious trauma. This is an easy exercise to do and is particularly good to use with a little bottle of an edible essential oil you might have stored away in your handbag, pocket or desk drawer. Before you start, take some DEEP, slow and intentional breaths. Let your exhales be longer than your inhales. When you’re ready, take out your lucky charm bottle of edible essential oil! Follow these instructions:

  1. Name Five Things you can SEE while holding your little bottle of edible essential oil. Can you see the bottle’s shape? It’s color? Does it have a label on it? What does the lid look like? Describe what the oil looks like inside of the bottle.
  2. Name Four Things you can FEEL/TOUCH while examining said bottle. What does it feel like in your hand? How heavy is it? What does the liquid oil feel like on your hand? Is the label smooth? Is the print raised at all?
  3. Name Three Things you can HEAR as you examine this object. This one might be tougher. What if you give the bottle a little shake? Does it make a noise? Are there any other noises in the room with you as you do this exercise? What about your breath…? Can you hear that as you practice this exercise?
  4. Name Two Things you can SMELL… What type of edible essential oil did you invest in? Lavender? Lemon? Ginger? Any other smells in the room while you work on this? Your own scent…? Soap? Deodorant? Cologne?
  5. Last, but not least, Name One Thing you can TASTE… be mindful… notice the present. Let the past be the past, allow the future to come when it will and stay Grounded in the present.

Like anything (working out at the gym, learning a new instrument, drawing, etc) the more practice you give it, the better you will be at it. You can strive to calm your own anxiety through Deep Breath Work and through Grounding. Good, calm, mindful luck.